Tuesday, October 9, 2007

mass hysteria

Several dozens of students of The Laxmi Secondary School in Lekhnath in Nepal suffered from the urse of the "snake god." this curse began on Tuesday, September 5,2006, when reportedly two doezen students, maily girls, started to randomly faint. The students would "fall down in a dead faint, weeping loudly, kicking and screaming and making signs of extreme fear and distress." The next day even more students experienced the exact same symptoms. This odd behavior of so many students alarmed the parents. The parents informed the principal and the district hospital of their concerns. In response to this mass hysteria, the principal closed the school for the reamainder of the week. While school was out of session shamans were called in to "exorcise the slain snake's spirit" before the reopened. Several weeks before this outburst of strange behavior, someone employed by the school killed a snake found on the school's property. Apparently, after the slaughter of this snake, its spirti wanted to seek revenge; it did so by cursing several of the studens who attended the school.


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