Monday, September 24, 2007

Curing Cancer

I find it hard to believe that cures for cancer have been discovered. Even if these cures are not “conventional medicine” if they truly cured cancer than people wouldn’t be continuing to search for cures. This reminds me of the article I read about the aliens, where the man said that there is proof that aliens do exist, it’s just that the information couldn’t be released. Why in either situation if there is proof of aliens/a cure for cancer, why would that information be withheld from the public or taken lightly?

The article is by a holistic nutritionist who says that everyone’s body has the ability to cure cancer and that everyone is curing cancer all the time. He also states in his article that “our most common so-called ‘diseases’ like cancer, diabetes and heart disease are actually metabolic disorders.” I find it hard to believe that cancer is solely a “metabolic disorder.” So, let’s talk about lung cancer, is lung cancer really a “metabolic disorder?” I would really like to see the research that proves all kinds of cancer being a “metabolic disorder.”

Another reason why I feel that this man’s cure for cancer is not real is because he believes that cancer is made up. He says in his article, “Fundamentally, these diseases are fictitious in the sense that they are not caused by invading microbes—thus, they are not diseases in the way we typically think of infectious disease like smallpox, malaria or influenza.”

In this article the author says that “You can cure cancer in your sleep.” He claims to have cured cancer thousands of times. He says, “Every living human being cures themselves of cancer over and over again as their immune system locates and deals with cancerous cell in the body. Your immune system already knows how to cure cancer, and it has done so for decades.” He also claims that every living person is a cancer survivor because each person’s immune system beats the cancer. However, did he ever think that all of these survivors did not have the same huge cancerous mass as all these other people who have yet to “cure” cancer? Another reason why I don’t feel that this man has really found a cure for cancer is because he doesn’t really propose any actual cure for cancer, he just says that your body cures cancer all the time and “you can cure cancer in your sleep.”

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