Tuesday, October 16, 2007

the piltdown man hoax

The Piltdown man hoax is one of the most famous hoaxes of our time. At first, the discovery of parts of a skull and jawbone was one of thee greatest discoveries of its time; however; over forty years later, the fossils in question were discovered to be a fraud. In 1912, when these remains were found they were thought to be remains of some unknown form of early human. Experts in the field believed that the discovery of these fragments would connect the evolution of man from ape, the were the “missing link.” After more research had been done to further prove how these fossils connected the evolution of man, the findings no longer fit in. The old bones of this unknown creature suddenly had no place in the human family tree. It was in 1953 when the truth about the Piltdown man came out. As time went on new scientific experiments and tests became available. These new techniques were used on the Piltdown man’s fossils and revealed that the fossils were not from far enough back to be what they were thought to be when the were first discovered, over forty years ago. ¬¬


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

mass hysteria

Several dozens of students of The Laxmi Secondary School in Lekhnath in Nepal suffered from the urse of the "snake god." this curse began on Tuesday, September 5,2006, when reportedly two doezen students, maily girls, started to randomly faint. The students would "fall down in a dead faint, weeping loudly, kicking and screaming and making signs of extreme fear and distress." The next day even more students experienced the exact same symptoms. This odd behavior of so many students alarmed the parents. The parents informed the principal and the district hospital of their concerns. In response to this mass hysteria, the principal closed the school for the reamainder of the week. While school was out of session shamans were called in to "exorcise the slain snake's spirit" before the reopened. Several weeks before this outburst of strange behavior, someone employed by the school killed a snake found on the school's property. Apparently, after the slaughter of this snake, its spirti wanted to seek revenge; it did so by cursing several of the studens who attended the school.


Monday, September 24, 2007

Curing Cancer

I find it hard to believe that cures for cancer have been discovered. Even if these cures are not “conventional medicine” if they truly cured cancer than people wouldn’t be continuing to search for cures. This reminds me of the article I read about the aliens, where the man said that there is proof that aliens do exist, it’s just that the information couldn’t be released. Why in either situation if there is proof of aliens/a cure for cancer, why would that information be withheld from the public or taken lightly?

The article is by a holistic nutritionist who says that everyone’s body has the ability to cure cancer and that everyone is curing cancer all the time. He also states in his article that “our most common so-called ‘diseases’ like cancer, diabetes and heart disease are actually metabolic disorders.” I find it hard to believe that cancer is solely a “metabolic disorder.” So, let’s talk about lung cancer, is lung cancer really a “metabolic disorder?” I would really like to see the research that proves all kinds of cancer being a “metabolic disorder.”

Another reason why I feel that this man’s cure for cancer is not real is because he believes that cancer is made up. He says in his article, “Fundamentally, these diseases are fictitious in the sense that they are not caused by invading microbes—thus, they are not diseases in the way we typically think of infectious disease like smallpox, malaria or influenza.”

In this article the author says that “You can cure cancer in your sleep.” He claims to have cured cancer thousands of times. He says, “Every living human being cures themselves of cancer over and over again as their immune system locates and deals with cancerous cell in the body. Your immune system already knows how to cure cancer, and it has done so for decades.” He also claims that every living person is a cancer survivor because each person’s immune system beats the cancer. However, did he ever think that all of these survivors did not have the same huge cancerous mass as all these other people who have yet to “cure” cancer? Another reason why I don’t feel that this man has really found a cure for cancer is because he doesn’t really propose any actual cure for cancer, he just says that your body cures cancer all the time and “you can cure cancer in your sleep.”


Monday, September 17, 2007

Holocaust Denial

Why are so many people in denial that the Holocaust actually took place? Why are people trying to justifying a horrible time that they didn’t even witness? Why isn’t there the same amount of uproar with other genocides that are taking place today? Whenever I think about those who feel that the Holocaust didn’t really exist or those who try to, in a way, defend “the Nazi regime's systematic mass murder,” it makes me wonder why there is much interest in this particular event in our history?

It is sad to think that this is “one of the most notable anti-Semitic propaganda movements to develop over the past two decades.” In the website I found it said that a lot of the advertising for non-Holocaust believers has shown up in campus publications. While I think it is great for students to be able to write about what they strongly believe in, I don’t think it is acceptable for students’ writings to hinder the lives of other students at the school. Sadly enough, with editorials about the Holocaust not existing and all of the anti-Semitic feelings that are provoked by these articles, does just that. In the website I found it says that this movement has “generated acrimony and has frequently caused friction between Jewish and non-Jewish students.” It’s sad to think that this friction between Jewish and non-Jewish people ended long ago, but now it seems that this hatred is being revisited in present times.

Another part of the Holocaust Denial which I don’t fully understand is that some feel it didn’t occur “because there is no single ‘Master Plan’ for Jewish annihilation.” Just because we don’t have evidence that there was a “Master Plan” for the Columbine Shooting doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. And, just because we don’t know of any “Master Plan” doesn’t mean that one did not exist. I’m sure that if the Nazis had a “Master Plan” for the killing of millions of Jews they wouldn’t just make the information public knowledge.


Monday, September 10, 2007



I personally do not believe in flying UFO’s. It’s not that I’m not open to the possibility that UFO’s could exist, but at this point in my life I feel that there is not enough solid evidence to convince me that UFO’s do in fact exist. I also feel that all of the arguments that try and prove UFO’s do exist is not hard enough evidence. After reading more articles on the topic, I only confirmed what I originally thought. In the first article I read, we can call this Article 1, I found on the Oxford Mail website, was titled: “UFOS do exist, insists watcher.”

First off, just by reading the title of the article already makes me suspicious of what is about to be said by this “watcher” because he is just that, merely a “watcher.” If I’m going to believe anything this “watcher” is going to say I might as well wait to hear what my 8 year old neighbor has to say about flying UFO’s, because the two are probably just as qualified to be a “watcher.” Perhaps if this man had more of an established title and his quest in trying to prove UFO’s exist was more of a profession, than this article might hold a little more weight, in my opinion.

Another aspect of this article that only helps in persuading me that UFO’s don’t exist is that the article’s begins with “He claims to have seen spaceships soaring across the city’s skies and crop circles 300ft-wide, so it will take more than an official report to convince this Oxford UFO expert aliens don’t exist.” When I read that it would “take more than an official report to convince this Oxford UFO expert aliens don’t exist.” I thought what probably every other reader was probably thinking at this point: why even continue reading this article when it has basically already proven that aliens don’t exist? Although, what I did come to find further in the article is that the study that was produced by the Ministry of Defence “concluded there is no proof of alien life forms.” Knowing that the “official report” proved that there were no alien life forms and knowing that Mr. Soper was going to still try and convince readers that there are alien life forms out there, made me lose interest in what he was going to say to the readers.

Another factor which really led me to believe that UFO’s really don’t exist is a part in the article where Michael Soper, the “watcher” and “UFO expert,” said, “‘Obviously, the MoD can’t admit aliens exist.’” I feel very strongly that if there were solid proof that aliens did exist that the information would not be withheld. While it might be kept under the wraps from some of the public as to not promote worry or fear; I feel a breakthrough as big as proving that aliens do exist would be released and studied further.

Article 1- http://www.oxfordmail.net/news/headlines/display.var.756834.0.ufos_do_exist_insists_watcher.php

Article 2-

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

something i didn't understand

I was in the 5th grade at my new all girls school, The Hockaday School. I was a very shy and timid girl. I was never the one to go up to an unknown and strike a conversation with them, it just wasn't in my nature. If it weren't for my best friend, who also transfered from Christ the King School, I probably would have spent my first week eating lunch alone. When lunchtime came around on that next Monday afternoon, a "lifer," as she was called walked up to me in the lunch line and wanted to know if I would like to sit with her and her friends at their lunch table.
Although we were only in the 5th grade it seemed that this girl had the whole middle school at the tips of her fingers, and still to this day is struck me odd as how her and her friends had their own lunch table. It was unofficially theirs but all the girls who ate in that cafeteria knew that it was Danielle Smith's and her friends' table. When Danielle asked me to sit with them at their lunch table it was her way of inviting me to join her group of friends.

test blog

this is my english 190 blog.